Licorice syrup
Biyan Qripson Drink Biyan Qripson, say the flu is over!
100% herbal. Immunostimulant against flu and common cold, and expectorant remedy - 150 ml
Flu is accompanied by sudden onset of fever, cough, sore throat, headache, runny nose, muscle and joint pain. Biyan Gripson is the best method in the fight against the flu.
Active components
(solid extracts):
Common liquorice extract
(Ext. Glycyrrhizae glabrae)
Garden thyme extract
(Ext. Thymi vulgaris)
Purple coneflower extract
(Ext. Echinaceae purpureae)
Elecampane inula extract
(Ext. Inulae helenii)
Dog rose extract
(Ext. Rosae caninae)
Small-leaved lime extract
(Ext. Tiliae cordatae)
Auxiliary components:
Sugar syrup
(Sirupus simplex)
Lemon tincture
(Tinctura limonis)
Instructions for use:
- Influenza and common cold;
- Inflammatory respiratory diseases;
- Bronchitis;
- Pneumonia;
- Weakness and fatigue due to illness;
- Allergic rhinitis;
- Sinusitis;
- Frontal sinusitis.
It is not a medicine. It is a biologically active food supplement.